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1. Decide your Direction


It’s easy to just say “I want a new job” and hit the market to see what happens, but the candidates that are most successful and happiest in their new jobs are the informed candidates that sit down at the very beginning of the process to nut out what they want.

Consider the reasons you’re leaving your current job and what aspects would be ideal in your next step. Make a list that you can cross reference against and use it as the basis of your search.

Will you be able to get every single thing you’ve written on that list? Maybe, maybe not – but having a clear view of the direction in which you wish to travel will help you tick more, rather than less of your boxes.



2. Fix your CV


Once you know your direction, it’s time to revise your physical documentation. Have a good look over your CV and ensure that it is relevant and professional (click here to check out ALRA’s guide to writing a killer CV).

It’s also a good idea to get together all of the documentation you might need to apply for jobs. I.e. qualifications, certifications, licences, cover letters, references etc.



3. Audit your Online Profile


A recent Australian survey found that over 90% of employers now check a candidate’s online profile before even progressing to a first interview and considered their findings as a fairly important factor in hiring the candidate.

This means that before you start your job hunt, you need to do a thorough audit of what your online and social media profiles say about you. (Click here for more info).

You should also ensure you have a professional email address. may have been great when you were a teenager, but it doesn’t send a professional image in the hiring world. is the best option.



4. Hit the Market


Once you’ve finished all your prep work it’s time to hit the market. We advise hitting the market on the widest front possible to begin with and then narrowing down from there.


This means hitting up:


  • Online Job Boards
  • Recruitment Agencies that Specialise in your Field
  • Social Media Boards
  • Company Websites
  • Friends / Family
  • Past colleagues
  • Other Networks



5. Shortlist Jobs


Once you’ve done a thorough market search and know who’s looking, create your shortlist and prepare your application for each (or advise the Recruiter where you’re happy for them to send your application on your behalf).



6. Keep Track of Where You’ve Applied


Be systematic and keep a thorough record of where you have applied. Companies and recruitment agencies alike will often advertise for the same job more than once and many consider it to look very messy / unprofessional to receive multiple applications from the same candidate.

Keeping a good record of where you apply will also mean you don’t miss anyone on the list when you need to follow up your application.



7. At the Interview Stage


Be prepared, be prepared, be prepared! You’ve gone to so much effort by this stage to land the interview, you should put the absolute best foot forward possible. We have written numerous pieces about the importance of this. (To check them out, click here).


In short…


  • Do your research
  • Dress the part
  • Prepare a list of possible questions
  • Memorise your skills and achievements
  • Be professional and courteous
  • Always finish by thanking them for their time



8. Stay Positive


Finally, remember to stay positive throughout the process. Finding a new job (and the right new job) can take time and you may not be successful straight away.

Don’t get disheartened if you don’t get the 1st, 2nd or even 3rd job that you interview for. Instead, use each experience as a learning curve to ensure success for future interviews.



Looking for Further Advice in your Job Hunt?

Drop us a line, we’re happy to help out 🙂